Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lucky or Unlucky?

Lucky, lucky, happy as can be.

Lucky, lucky, yesterday a bee ALMOST sung me.

Lucky, lucky, I found a penny.

Unlucky, that one bee didn't sing me, but all the others did.

Unlucky, the penny was upsidedown when I found it laying hid.

Lucky, I found some honey when we were running out.

Unlucky, that honey I found was on a bee hive laying about.

Unlucky, those bees were very mad.

Unlucky, they sung me just about everywhere, I was crying, I was sad.

Lucky, I got back in the house, and cried to my mommy dear.

Lucky, she had some medicine, and said that she was here.

Lucky, in a few days, the bee sings stared to disappear.

Unlucky, I didn't want to go outside anywhere.

Lucky, my mother had a story she wanted to share.

She said, "Once apon a time, there was a girl, very lucky. She found the time to go outside, she even found a penny. She thought that she was lucky, when a bee didn't sing her, but then, all the others did. She found some honey when her family was running out, but, that honey was from a bee hive that was laying about. And just as her time was running out to get back inside, the bees swarmed around her and kept singing her outside. Her mother tried some medicine, and said that she was here, and in a few days, the bee sings would start to disapear. When when they finally disappeared, she didn't want anything to do with the outside. Her mommy cried, "Please go outside with me, and go dancing under the trees." She got down on her knees, and kept begging, "Please please please." But that child didn't want to experience anything to do with the outside again, so all the family stayed in and begged her and pleased, but that little girl just sat there and didn't do anything. Days passed by and her family was hungry, begging to go to the store. But the little girl did not let them open the door. So in that time when they cried and cried, the little girl would not let anyone go outside, so they all died. The End." The mother said. And girl cried and tears shed, "Let's go to the mall, the movies, markets galore or go to the general store," as she cried and cried, "Just please let us all go outside."

Elee the elephant

Elee the elephant went out for a walk she want to take her ducky too so they could talk, but while they were walking their walk, and talking their talk they hear a KNOCK KNOCK!

So they went to see what it was, it followed them everywhere, as confused as they could be, but then they found out it was just Elee.

Thank you for being my friend

I thank you for everything you do,

and letting me place my trust in you,

all those times saying "I remember when"

is only part of the reason you're my best friend.

All those times saying "I would never..."

is another reason I think we'll be friends forever.

All these reasons, I could go on for days,

is another reason I hope we never go our separate ways.

All these times we laugh so hard we cry,

is another reason we'll never say goodbye.

It started in kindergarten, a friend I made anew,

is just one other reason right now I'm saying


I'm Reaching

I'm reaching out to my dreams, hoping one day, they will come true.
I reaching out to my imagination, my fantasies, for me and you.
I reaching for the stars, and aiming for the moon.
Reaching, reaching, that's what I will do.


Come on rain, don't go!

Come and stay, high and low!

Come on wind, blow, blow, blow!

Let's see those trees dance, put on a show!

Let's see that lightning hit!

I want that power out, let's throw a fit!

Come on rain, and lightning galore,

let's hear that thunder ROAR!


Lets find a hide a way, where no one and nothing will be in our way, a hide a way, a hide a way, a place to express our feelings day to day. Lets find a hide a way, where no one can criticize, or laugh at me or you. Build a hide a way, that what we should do. A place for me and you, no one telling us what to do. We could be in paradise, under the palm trees we would lay. Just you and me in the shade, lets build a hide a way.